15- Dominique Sarrazin
Dominique Sarrazin #15 19 Mountain Rd., West Bolton sarrado2@gmail.com https://www.dominiquesarrazin.com/ Demo / presentation: 2 p.m. Revenir sur la carte Abstract painting My painted language, hybridized by collage and material, has been revealed in my work over the last few decades. It’s a kind of accumulative painting, suggesting landscapes of abstract expression that I situate in…
Read More14- Robert Chartier
Robert Chartier #14 67 Bailey Rd., West Bolton 450 242-2836 robertchartier@sympatico.ca www.robertchartier.ca Demo / presentation: 2 p.m. Back to the map Functional clay art As a clay artist, Robert Chartier works on one of a kind pieces, inspired by the textures and shapes present in nature. From serving platters to bird baths and vases, Robert’s…
Read More13- Robin Badger
Robin Badger #13 67 Bailey Rd., West Bolton 450 242-2836 robinbadger@sympatico.ca http://www.robinbadger.com Demo / presentation: 10 a.m. Back to the map Functional pottery, art pieces Robin Badger’s pottery is created in porcelain on a potter’s wheel and glazed in cobalt blue. It is dishwasher, microwave and oven friendly, made to be used and enjoyed everyday.…
Read More12- Lucy Pietraszkiewicz
Lucy Pietraszkiewicz #12 3 de Glen Rd., West Bolton 579 488-6479 lucypietraszkiewicz@gmail.com www.shoplucypietraszkiewicz.com Demo / presentation: 10 a.m. Back to the map Handcrafted jewelry Lucy’s collections are a tribute to the natural beauty of the Eastern Townships. Lucy’s brand is unparalleled for its minimalist bohemian style. Semi-precious stones, pearls, found treasures, sterling silver, and leather,…
Read More11- Michel Dufresne
Michel Dufresne #11 31 Mason, West-Bolton 514 793-3240 info@mdluthier.ca mdluthier.ca Demo / presentation: 10 a.m. Back to the map Lutherie – plucked strings instruments Vibrations for the joy of hearing. Music instrument design for the beauty of artworks. The suspense associated with creating a musical instrument reaches its peak when the instrument is ready for…
Read More10- John Davidson
John Davidson #10 14 des Hauteurs Rd., West Bolton 450 243-4120 davidson.john356@gmail.com https://johndceramics.ca Demo / presentation: 1:30 p.m. Back to the map Raku ceramics, pit-firing and more I spent my professional career at Dawson College. I have always been involved in arts and crafts. This has included furniture making, stained glass, ceramics and carpentry. Over…
Read More9- Francine Denault
Francine Denault #9 5 des Hauteurs Rd., West Bolton 514 895-5676 francinedenault@gmail.com https://francinedenault.com Demo / presentation: 11:30 a.m. Back to the map Painting, engraving, mosaics There are signs, traces that constantly come back to permeate the canvas. The purpose of my artistic language is always to harbour evolution, stimulate reflection and find resonance between nature…
Read More8- Sophie Dragon
Sophie Dragon #8 NEW 1 Impasse Jolicoeur, East-Bolton 514 237-9405 immosophie@gmail.com Demo / presentation: 10 a.m. Back to the map Painting Self-taught painter, I offer a semiotic reading—that is to say, at the heart of my works rest signs meant to lead the viewer to reflection. Using oil as my medium, I present subjects from…
Read More7- Jacynthe Comeau
Jacynthe Comeau #7 783, rte Missisquoi, Bolton Est 450 292-0366 comeauciel@hotmail.com jacynthecomeau.ca Demo / presentation: 10 a.m. Back to the map Painting I create from reality, with a figurative approach, always seeking a unique perspective, a fleeting moment captured from daily life, a subject revealed, and the details that define it. I am moved by…
Read More6- Steve-Éric Picard
Steve-Éric Picard #6 30 Des Mûriers, Mansonville (Potton) 450 577-2765 sepicard21@yahoo.ca https://lacasadart.ca/steve-eric-picard/ Demo / presentation: 11:30 a.m. Revenir sur la carte Glass mosaic A resident of Potton Township since 2016, I’ve been working with glass mosaics ever since. It involves assembling fragments of glass to tell a story. My inspiration comes from the nature around…
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